viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

This is the end...

Well…and this is the end!!!!!!...finally came the day of my last post, and I must confess that it feels kind of sad. I think that I really like and enjoy the idea of write about my opinion about some topics and my reviews in this blog. At the beginning it felt strange… as having a microphone to say what I think about certain things and even if just a few people read it it's satisfactory.  Moreover I think that this idea it was really useful not only for improve my writing, also for the pronunciation in the videos and that indeed was, in my opinion, the most useful part of the blog, because I don't have major problems when I  write in English… but at the time to speaking it's very hard for me!!!!!!!!!!...Also I would like to Thank Miss Rosa, because she really help me at the time of write each blog….she is very patient!!!!!!!!!!!!. I liked very much the topics that you proposed Miss, because there were really interesting ideas that I was able to develop. In the future I'm going to try to continue speaking English to improve my skills I think it's a good idea make some more videos, but just for me so…. to listen how I'm speaking and correct my pronunciation. I also would like to travel to other countries where they speak english so I can give a great use of all I learned.
Currently I don't have many opportunities to speak english, but I have a friend that lives in USA; he is a writer and his name is Luis Correa. Sometimes when we talk we do it in english because he is kind of forgetting the Spanish (he is living there since a long time ago) and I can practice my pronunciation….I also talk with my mother's boyfriend who is an american citizen that doesn't known anything of spanish !!!!!!!!!. I also like to watch movies and series online and sometimes they came without subtitles so I have to make the effort to understand what they are saying; I thing that that's a good exercise to measure how fast I can think in english ,  tell when the subtitles are wrong and catch some jokes that doesn’t have translation.
Mmmmmmmm…summarizing, I’m going to miss the blog and talk to you…I hope that you like all that I wrote (maybe I was boring!!!!!!!!)….and that’s all….Farewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Hola, hemos agregado un trackback (enlace hacia este artículo) en el nuestro ya que nos pareció muy interesante la información detallada pero no quisimos copiarla, sino que nuestros lectores vengan directamente a la fuente. Gracias... reporte gratis en bogota
