jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

My future job

Well...as I told you before, for five years I studied agriculture in the University of Chile. When I was in my fourth year, I started to feel that the agriculture it wasn't the right choice for me. I wanted a major with a social approach, something that the agriculture didn't give me in the way that I wanted to. ...that's why I decided to take this major. I love to work with little children, so is perfect for me because allows me to teach in preschool and in elementary school.
When I think in the kind of job that I would like in the future, my first option is a school in the public system...I don't want to give a speech that sounds like I'm a kind of super hero....I'm just going to tell that I think that is a  good option in this kind of profession....although I must say that sometimes I work in a Montessori pre- school...and I love it!!!!!!!!, I would love to be a Montessori teacher, but the problem is that  in general, the Montessori schools are in the private system of education, so I'm not sure if a would work in Montessori.
If you asked me about aspects to choose a job....I'm not sure...I could say to you a lot of things, but I don't know what I'm going to be thinking and wanting in three, ten or twenty years....and now, I have a mix of things in my head !!!!!

If in a job interview asked me about my strengths and weaknesses, I would say that I'm a proactive person, that willingly agree to make the job, with good ideas; that in the case of my strenghths....about my weaknesses, I think that I have a lot, but I'm not going to tell you which are!!!!!!.....

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